The Halifax Workers'
Action Centre
Halifax WAC: Print
Time for Cyclesmith to Shift Gears
Lisa Cameron
February 21, 2023
Recently, Cyclesmith’s tires have been pumped. Celebrated for its living wage policy, the Halifax-based bicycle shop has garnered positive media attention and was named Business of the Year by the Halifax Chamber of Commerce.
But Cyclesmith’s pro-worker image contradicts the experience of three former employees...
Grocery workers among lowest paid while owners reap record profits
Stephen Wentzell
January 19, 2022
...Lisa Cameron, writer and organizer with the Halifax Workers’ Action Centre, tells that while the $2 per hour hazard pay is a start, it still leaves many low-income Canadians far from a livable wage. Cameron says workers have devoted themselves “tirelessly” to their frontline work, while being both “underpaid and unappreciated.”
Nova Scotia employers can demand sick notes for no good reason
Lisa Cameron
October 10, 2019
In Nova Scotia, your boss can demand proof that you’re sick, even if it’s just a short term illness. Those requests make life miserable for workers and put stress on an already overburdened medical system.
For many short-term sicknesses, a trip to the doctor is really not necessary. To recover from...
Educate, Agitate, Organize
The Halifax Workers' Action Centre
Melissa Keith
October 9, 2019
When workers battle back against unfairness on the job, action speaks louder than words. Katrin MacPhee is a lawyer at Pink Larkin in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She’s one of a “healthy base of volunteers” who helped establish the Halifax Workers’ Action Centre, becoming involved through membership in Solidarity Halifax, a local social justice...
Baristas fight back after Bedford coffee shop closes suddenly
Lisa Cameron
September 19, 2019
Earlier this year baristas employed by the Smiling Goat learned the hard way how vulnerable they are.
This summer employees of a coffee shop in Bedford received a similar grim reminder.
To the surprise of both its customers and its employees, The Nook Espresso Bar...
Nova Scotia's workers are falling behind
Lisa Cameron
September 11, 2019
In August, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) released their report “A Rising Tide to Lift All Boats”, making several recommendations to improve existing employment legislation in Nova Scotia. This 2019 report is a follow-up to the 2012 CCPA report, and provides an updated and...
Employers can't claim a monopoly on risk
Jason Edwards
August 20, 2019
Mr. MacGregor’s piece is intended to undermine the recent report produced for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives by Acadia sociologist Rebecca Casey. The report compares employment standards in Nova Scotia to those of other provinces and comes to the unsurprising conclusion that we fall far behind...
Lisa Cameron tells us how to get ahead of bad bosses
Lisa Cameron
August 8, 2019
With low-wage and precarious work on the rise, many workers in Halifax are struggling to maintain decent employment while sustaining themselves and their families. For those without adequate wages and legal protection, addressing workplace inequality can be exhausting, risky, and costly with little reward...